The Correctional Department operates out of two facilties in Kenosha, WI. A pre-trial facility is located near downtown Kenosha and a detention facility on the city's westide, Kenosha County Detention Center, which is known by inmates as simply -- The House.
By the Grace and Mercy of Allah Almighty, a door has been opened for me to serve God and his creation. There are more than 800 inmates struggling for their life. Inmates who have been kicked to the curb, disgarded by many in society because they have been accussed of crimes. It's important to note that I serve as a Chaplain in a county jail, not a prison.
It is an enormous job responsibility given that a Chaplain is mandated to guide inmates in spiritual and pastoral matters. I'm not the Muslim or Islamic Chaplain. I'm a Chaplain. My administration and vision extends to all inmates. Despite differences of believe my message is unique to all faiths including Wiccans. My message is a message of hope and the belief that there is a turning point in every human being's life if he begins to transform his heart and seek forgiveness through his belief system.
It is a heavy responsiblity, but I'm reminded that God does not burden a believe beyond his capacity.
"If God has given you some special work to do that frightens you, it’s your responsibility to jump at it. It’s up to the Lord to see you through. As you faithfully do your part, He will do His part." — Richard De Haan
I only ask that anyone who reads this blog, please remember me in your prayers. I pray that Allah Almighty continues to guide and bless me as I serve Him to the best of my ability as a Chaplain in the Kenosha County Jail.
peace. Hasan Hakeem
Hasan We missed you at the News-Sun reunion at Art Peterson's house last Saturday. Would love to catch up with you sometime. Send me an e-mail at acdrell@gmail.com
Bunny(Adrienne) Drell
i am ahmadi i c ur comment in reveiw of religon mashalla
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