Holy Quran serves as an instrument for unity:Maulvi Wahab Adam accompanied by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Maulvi Wahab Adam, Ameer and Missionary in-charge of the Ahmadiyya Mission Ghana recently said the Muslim scripture is an instrument for guiding and uniting people of different races colors and creed.
"Throughout history, Allah has been revealing himself and the purpose of creation through his prophets and messengers. Some of the messengers were given books of guidance, while others were not given any book but were commanded to serve and order their lives in accord with the dictates of earlier scriptures"
Maulvi Adam was speaking at the launch of the Asante Twi Translated version of the Holy Quran which is the brainchild of Alhaji Yusuf Ahmad Edusei, a veteran Ahmadi Muslim Missionary and was funded by Alhaji Ibrahim B.A.Bonsu.
He said it was because of the guidance provided by the Holy Quran that Allah had preserved it for nearly 1500 years without any change.
"Nobody does anything without a purpose and it is inconceivable that Allah would create the heavens and earth with whatever we see in them and in between them press them into the service of man without a purpose," he said.
Maulvi Adam said the Holy Quran had to be revealed first in Arabic, a living language and provides the scope for the meaning of each word in the Muslim scripture.
"So far, the Holy Quran has been translated into 120 languages of the world including English, Greek, Japanese, German, Dutch, Ki-Swahili and Yoruba. What is of crucial importance to the Ahmadiyya Muslim community is that the publication of every translation should be done alongside the unadulterated text of the Holy Quran,"
Maulvi Adam said publishing the translations without the original Arabic text could lead to the loss of the text over a period.
He said selected verses of the Quran have already been published in seven languages namely Ewe, Dagbani, Wali, Ga, Nzema, Fante and Asante.
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